Model of our Oddiyana Zangdok Palri project
Letter of supoort and rejoice of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche
For the benefit of all the sentient beings and Buddha dharma, and with the abundant fortune of the beings, His Holiness Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshi Dorji founded the sacred Dudul Rabtenling Monastery in Orissa. Lama Sonam Tashi who has pure intention in serving the Buddha doctrine immensely is leading with a plan to build authentic Zangdopalri there for the benefit of Buddha doctrine in general and particularly for all the sentient beings. Therefore, I urge the benefactors and generous people to support with whatever help you can extend. Written by Sangay Pema Zhedpa, who holds the name of Dudjom Tulku, on the auspicious Descending Day of Lord Buddha in Wood Sheep Year of Tibetan 17th Rabjung.
來至 敦珠三世 揚希仁波切 之贊辭和授權信
「為了所有眾生和佛法的利益,藉著眾生的無限福報,法王敦珠.吉札.耶謝.多傑仁波切(His Holiness Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshi Dorji)在印度奧底峽(Odisha)創立了神聖的「敦督.惹滇.林 寺院」(Dudul Rabtenling Monastery)。索南扎西喇嘛(Lama Sonam Tashi)懷著純正的意圖,致力於服務佛法,並帶領計劃在此地建立正宗的「藏多.巴里」(Zangdopalri),以造福佛法,特別是為所有眾生。因此,本人敦促各位施主和慷慨人士提供能力所及的支持和迅速成就此計劃。」
敦珠.揚希仁波切(Sangay Pema Zhedpa)之名號,持有吉札.耶謝.多傑仁波切(Dudjom Tulku)之名,於藏曆第十七繞迥木羊年佛陀降臨吉日敬筆
來至 董瑟.賢遍.達瓦.諾布 仁波切 之贊辭和支持信
「敦督.惹滇.林寺院」(Dundul Rabtenling Monastery) 的索南.札西喇嘛(Lama Sonam Tashi),這個位於奧里薩邦( Orissa )的神聖道場,受到法王敦珠.吉札.耶謝.多傑.卓督.林巴仁波切(His Holiness Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshi Dorji Drodul Lingpa Tsel),蓮師的代表的庇佑,計劃在此地建立全新的「藏多.巴里」(Zangdopalri),以造福佛法。因此,本人 敦促忠誠而慷慨的施主們根據您的能力做出貢獻。
這封信由紐約耶謝.寧波中心(Yeshi Nyingpo)的董瑟.賢遍.達瓦.諾布 仁波切(Dungse Zhenphen Dawa Norbu)在藏曆第十七繞迥木羊年十一月吉祥月望日撰寫。
來至 董瑟.賢遍.達瓦.諾布 仁波切 之贊辭和支持信
如大家所知,位於印度東部奧底峽的「敦督.惹滇.林寺院」(Dundul Rabtenling Monastery)由法王吉札.敦珠 仁波切(His Holiness Jigdrel Yeshi Dorji Rinpoche)創立。忠誠且懷有純正意圖的索南.札西喇嘛(Lama Sonam Tashi)現正引領建設新的「藏多.巴里」(Zangdopalri),以造福佛法,特別是在修繕和發展由我們前任上師所創立的寺院方面。本人 對此表示衷心的感謝,並敦促所有有意積累功德的人們盡您所能提供支持。
不丹修行者竹鞏.噶拉.多傑(Garab Dorji),敦珠傳承持有人敬筆。
Letter of support and rejoice of His Holiness Kathok Situ Rinpoche
The plan of building new Zangdopalri at Dundul Rabtenling Monastery which was established by His Holiness Jigdrel Yeshi Dorji Rinpoche situated in sacred place of Guru Rinpoche at Orrisa, India, is intended to accumulate two accumulations of merit and wisdom by all. Therefore, I heartily appreciate Lama Sonam Tashi, who is leading the project, for your constant courage and pure intention to make this happen for the benefit of Buddha doctrine. I request faithful people interested in doing virtuous deed to support whatever you can. Kathok Situ Jamgon Choekyi Nyin-Jed
來自 賈節.噶陀.錫度 仁波切之授信
在印度奧底峽受蓮師祝福的神聖之地,由法王吉札.敦珠 仁波切(His Holiness Jigdrel Yeshi Dorji Rinpoche)創立的「敦督.惹滇.林」寺院(Dundul Rabtenling Monastery),計劃建設新的「藏多.巴里」(Zangdopalri)。此舉旨在為大家積累福德和智慧兩種資糧。因此,本人 衷心感謝索南.札西喇嘛(Lama Sonam Tashi)在這項目中所展現的堅定勇氣和純正意圖,以造福佛法。我請求所有有意行善積德的人,盡您所能提供支持。
卡托施主嘉美確吉年傑(Kathok Situ Jamgon Choekyi Nyin-Jed)敬筆。
Oddiyana Zangdok Palri Project
烏萇國「藏多.巴里」(Zangdopalri) 項目
About Our Project: The Oddiyana Zangdok Palri construction project began in 2018. It was initiated after receiving letters of support and permission from our Kyabje rinpoches, as shown above. The construction is now underway, and the ground floor is nearing completion.
烏萇國「藏多.巴里」(Zangdopalri) 建設項目始於2018年。在獲得我們尊敬的堪布仁波切們的支持信和許可後,該項目得以啟動,如上圖所示。目前,建設正在進行中,一層樓已接近完工。
Our Aspiration: This project was initiated with the intention of providing a place of refuge to help disciples preserve, practice and research the tradition of Guru Padmasambhava. Our aspiration is also to maintain and fulfill the aims and aspirations of Kyabje Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche.
啟動這個項目的初衷是提供一個修道所,以幫助弟子們保藏、實踐和研究蓮花生大師的傳統。我們還希望維護和實現尊敬的都竹吉狄耶謝多傑仁波切(Kyabje Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche)的目標和願望。
Donation Contacts: Our project is completely dependent on individual sponsors, since we do not have a primary patron. Those with like-minded aspirations and faith are requested to join us by contributing to make this project a grand success. Our email for inquiries, as well as our details for PayPal are:
Message from the Founder of the Zangdok Palri Project: Lama Sonam Tashi la, the monastery’s founder of this project, requests everyone to show love and support for this noble project by contributing according to their own capability. Lama Sonam Tashi thanks and appreciates everyone who has donated thus far, and appeals to all to help spread information about this project to all your near and dear ones.