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About Us
Before 1959 in Tibet, His Holiness Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje build Rigzin Ghatseling Monastery at Buchcu, in the Kongpo region of Tibet, and established the first Lama Lingpa. There have been so many accomplished masters and great ngakpa and geylong among His Holiness’ disciples. The Dudjom Tersar flourished during that time. After 1959, we lost our freedom and sought refuge in India. During that wandering period as exiles and refugees, His Holiness found it of the utmost importance and necessity to established a monastery to avoid the degeneration of the Buddha doctrine. In order to preserve the Nyingmapa lineage, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama requested Kyabje Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshi Dorje to become the supreme head of the Nyingmapa lineage. Keeping His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s request in his heart, Kyabje Rinpoche decided to build a monastery and chose Orissa to build Dundul Raptenling, with the support of the Odisha government in acquiring the land, and also with the guidance of the Tibetan government in exile. Click here to read more.


Monastery Magazine-Volume V
Dundul Raptenling is very pleased to announce that the fifth volume of their monastery magazine has been released. A free PDF of the magazine is

Dundul Raptenling Monastery’s College & School Annual Examination 2023
Few images of Dundul raptenling monastery’s college and school annual examination 2023, which concluded successfully today

Monastery Magazine-Volume IV
Dundul Raptenling is very pleased to announce that the forth volume of their monastery magazine has been released. A free PDF of the magazine is

Ven. Lama Sonam Tashi visited to Buddhist village, Maniabandha
The Buddhist community of Maniabanda had requested lama Sonam Tashi to visit their place since few years and today it came to happen.Lama Sonam la

Board of Meeting 2023
Today our general body members met for reading of accounts and future planning after completion of annual audit. The successful gathering concluded with a luncheon
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